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Case Study:
How SEO Solved This B2B Business’ Lack of Leads

The challenge: A new branch in Germany with little brand recognition and competition from established players

The solution: A comprehensive SEO strategy with the help of an agency

The results: 101 high-intent leads in just 11 months

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Hard earned high intent leads which will drive future growth as well

The Challenge


A New Branch in Germany with Little Brand Recognition and Competition from Established Players


In the spring of 2020, a Swiss B2B service SME opened a new branch in Germany. The same marketing tactics that had been successful at the company's headquarters were applied in the new location, but they didn't produce the same results. The brand was unknown in the area and there were already several established players in the field, so organic leads were few and far between.


It became clear that the company had not done proper marketing in the new location and was relying heavily on a sales outreach strategy. There were very few marketing efforts in place and no digital real estate had been established.




The Solution


A Comprehensive SEO Strategy with the Help of an Agency


That's when I decided to recommend going all in with a SEO speed boat. Thankfully, the company had already established a customer journey a few months earlier, so they hired an SEO agency to create content and improve the website. Over the course of two months, the agency produced approximately 30-40 articles.


However, things didn't go as smoothly as we had hoped. The web agency the company hired had poor project management and it took them four months to complete the basic SEO implementations. As a result, the SEO speed boat was driving behind a slow boat, which was frustrating to say the least.


This experience reinforced the importance of having the right resources in place for a successful SEO project. Internal resources, alignment with the Google Ads agency, and alignment with the website agency are all crucial for success.




The Results


101 High-Intent Leads in Just 11 Months


The advantage of SEO is that it produces leads that are ready to buy. The disadvantage is that it can take time to see results. In this case, the company wasted four months because the web agency was not implementing on time.


From February to July, we worked on improving the company's metrics with the help of the SEO agency. In August, we started to see the first signs of organic traffic. The business was heavily impacted by the COVID-19 lockdowns in Germany, so it wasn't until December that we saw a significant increase in leads.


By spring 2021, the company had generated 101 high-intent leads, which were 80-90% ready to buy.


Overall, the company's experience with SEO for their new branch in Germany was a mix of frustration and success. While they wasted valuable time due to poor project management, they were ultimately able to generate high-quality leads that were ready to buy. It just goes to show that patience and the right resources are key to success with SEO.

Image by Headway

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